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LAM, CHEONG KIN Has Found the Root Cause of the Outbreak of the Epidemic and An Effective Way to Eradicate it

(concise version)




This paper is based on the general guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Bureau for Letters and Visits requiring the inventor to report "medical scientific and technological achievements" to the community-level medical institutions and find "qualified professional medical institutions and experts for evaluation before promotion", and the following different opinions are expressed:

 1.0. “五串排毒法”不是要求国家对疫情的管制全面“放开”,不是主张“躺平”或与病毒“共存”。因为“放开”、“躺平”和“共存”只能暂时解决 20 年抗疫无成效,国家和人民承担不起这种越抗疫而疫情越严重的支出,不想再给国家和人民继续造成重大损失的暂且方法,所以是:“没有找到疫情爆发的根源、无法对症下药扑灭疫情的权且办法”。因此,不是可以立即扑灭人类疫情的办法,不是保证疫情永久不会“卷土重来”肆虐全人类的有效方法。“五串排毒法” 是找到了爆发疫情的真正原因和扑灭疫情的有效办法,对症下药,斩草除根, 保证能做到:世界各国实施“五串排毒法”处方后三天内可将世界各国的疫情全面、彻底扑灭,不但保证不会产生任何后遗症,还能保证全人类今后不会再爆发同类疫情!

1.0. The “Five-String Detoxification Method" does not require the state to fully "lift" the control of the epidemic, nor does it advocate "lying flat" or "coexistence" with the virus. Because "letting go", "lying flat" and "coexistence" can only temporarily solve the 20 years of ineffective fighting against the epidemic and cease to cause further heavy losses to the country and people. The country and the people cannot afford this kind of expenditure that the more the epidemic is fought, the more serious the epidemic will be. It is a temporary solution when the root cause of the outbreak cannot be found and the epidemic cannot be eradicated, rather than an effective way to to immediately extinguish the human epidemic and ensure that the epidemic will never "return" and ravage all mankind. The “Five-String Detoxification Method” is an effective way to find the real cause of the outbreak of the epidemic and to extinguish the epidemic. It is guaranteed that: Within three days after the implementation of the“Five-String Detoxification Method" in all countries of the world, the epidemic across the world can be comprehensively and completely extinguished, which not only guarantees that there will be no aftereffects, but also ensures that similar epidemics will never happen again to all mankind in the future!

2.0. 采用“五串排毒法”扑灭疫情的六大优点

2.0. Six advantages of using the “five-string detoxification method" to fight the epidemic2.1. “五串排毒法”可以把工作、休息和治疗、康复相融合,不会耽误任何工作。每个患者的医疗康复费在 0.1--30 美元之间(98%以上的患者治疗和康复费用少于 0.1 美元);康复的时间在 15 分钟—3 天之间(98%以上的患者治疗和康复时间少于 15分钟);

2.1. The "five-string detoxification method" can integrate work, rest, treatment and rehabilitation without delaying work. The medical rehabilitation fee for each patient is between 0.1-30 US dollars (more than 98% of the patients' treatment and rehabilitation costs are less than 0.1 US dollars); the recovery time is between 15 minutes and 3 days (more than 98% of the patients' treatment and recovery time is less than 15 minutes);

2.2. 患者康复后没有任何副作用和后遗症;

2.2. The patient recovers without any side effects and sequelae;

2.3. 能够防止一年四季的流感漫延成为疫情;

2.3. It can prevent the spread of flu throughout the year from becoming an epidemic;

2.4. 能够降低各种疾病的发生率、缩短病愈期,因而能大幅提高人类的平均寿命;

2.4. It can reduce the incidence of various diseases and shorten the recovery period, thus greatly increasing the average life expectancy of human beings;


2.5. It is guaranteed to solve a big misunderstanding in human medicine and fill in a big gap in the world's anti-epidemic methods.


2.6. It is guaranteed to thoroughly reveal the root cause of the outbreak and spread of similar epidemics in the history of human development, and rewrite the basic theory of how human extinguish epidemics.

3.0. 用“五串排毒法”抗击疫情的特征及其对人类健康发展的重要性

3.0. The characteristics of fighting the epidemic with the "five-string detoxification method" and its importance to the development of human health

3.1.不需要强迫患者口服任何药物(治疗疫情并发症的药物不视为抗疫药物的范畴 );

3.1. No need to force patients to take any drugs orally (Drugs for the treatment of complications of the epidemic are not considered as anti-epidemic drugs);


3.2. No need to force patients to receive any injections;


3.3. No need to compel the general public (especially the elderly) to receive any vaccines;


3.4. No need to force the general public to wear masks;


3.5. No need to enforce any form of isolation and regional lockdowns.


4.0. Adopting the "five-string detoxification method" can receive immediate and curative treatment and rehabilitation effects. It will not bring inconvenience and panic to the production and life of the people, will not destroy social productivity, will not cause harm to tourism and entertainment industries, and will not hinder the healthy development of all walks of life. Trade and friendly exchanges between peoples of all countries in the world can be restored immediately. If the "five-string detoxification method" cannot extinguish the epidemic, the inventor will "not take a penny” and is willing to be dealt with by military law.


5.0. The far-reaching significance of the public transfer of proprietary technology of the “Five- String Detoxification Method" accepted by countries around the world


5.1. Quickly, comprehensively and completely extinguish the epidemic situation in all countries in the world, and benefit the people of all countries in the world;


5.2. Benefit on the contemporary era and the future generations!

10.0. The public transfer method of “Five-String Detoxification” and the responsibilities and obligations of its “spokesperson" 10.1. “五串排毒法”是中国人民领先世界的重大发现和发明,是发明人 30 多年呕心沥血的研究结果,将对全人类的“健康”和“发展”做出重大贡献;

10.1. "Five-string detoxification method" is a major invention of the Chinese people leading the

world. It is the result of the inventor's painstaking research for more than 30 years and will make

a significant contribution to the "health" and "development" of all mankind;

10.2.“五串排毒法” 的发明人林章建举荐七大常委作为“五串排毒法”的代言人。代言人有权在全面听取发明人详细汇报后才做出是否愿意作为“五串排毒法”代言人的决定;

10.2. LAM,CHEONG KIN, the inventor of the "Five-String Detoxification Method", recommends

seven members of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, including General

Secretary Xi Jinping as the spokespersons of the "Five-String Detoxification Method”. The

spokesperson has the right to decide whether he is willing to be the spokesperson of the "Five-

String Detoxification Method" after listening to the detailed report of the inventor.


10.3. The responsibilities and obligations of the spokesperson are: to personally convene and

preside over the country's “most qualified professional medical institutions and most

authoritative experts" and the recipients of the "Order of the People's Republic of China" to

conduct a rigorous review and appraisal of the “Five-String Detoxification Method"; Then decide

whether to recommend the “Five-String Detoxification Method” to countries around the world

according to the result of the evaluation and appraisal.

10.4. 在世界各国的疫情被完全扑灭以后,由世界各国按本国的人头数量向 “五串排毒法”发明人支付 “专有技术公开转让费”;

10.4. After the epidemic in all countries in the world is completely extinguished, all countries in the world will pay the inventors of the "Five-String Detoxification Method" a "proprietary technology public transfer fee" according to the number of its population in each country.

10.5.“五串排毒法”的发明人建议:“五串排毒法” 公开转让的收费标准设定在:每个公民 10 美元-100 美元之间。富裕国家的人均转让价向高端靠近,贫穷国家的人均转让价向低端靠近。具体每人应支付的价格以世界各国根据本国的经济实力自报为基础,再由联合国加以力所能及的调节;

10.5. The inventor of the “five-string detoxification method” suggests that the charging standard for the public transfer of the "five-string detoxification method" should be set at: between $10- $100 USD per citizen. The per capita transfer price of rich countries is close to the high end, and the per capita transfer price of poor countries is close to the low end. The specific price that each person should pay is based on the self-report of the countries in the world according to their own economic strength, and then adjusted by the United Nations within its capacity.

10.6.暂时有困难交付 “五串排毒法 公开转让费”的国家和地区,可以向联合国和国家主席写下《欠条》,等待该国家有经济能力时才付清技术转让费;

10.6. Countries and regions that have temporary difficulties in paying the "Five-String Detoxification Method Public Transfer Fee" can write an "IOU" to the United Nations and wait until the country has the financial capacity to pay off the technology transfer fee.

10.7. “五串排毒法”的发明人承诺:本发明成功公开转让而获得的一切技术转让费,将 100%用于公益事业,包括:向世界领袖和人民颁发“促进世界和平昌盛奖”、“拯救人类苦难奖”、“扑灭呼吸道疫情奖”,以及向世界各国投资发展免费教育、免费医疗、免费法律诉讼和战后国建设援助等慈善壮举的奖金;

10.7. The inventor of the "five-string detoxification method" promises: all technology transfer fee obtained from the successful public transfer of this invention will be 100% used for public welfare, including: awarding the "Promoting World Peace and Prosperity Award", "Saving Human from Suffering Award", "Eliminating Respiratory Epidemic Award" to world leaders and people, and investing in the development of free education, free medical care, free legal proceedings, postwar nation-building aid, etc.

10.8. “五串排毒法”的发明人完全听从“代言人”安排而一次性向全世界各国实施公开转让 (即将《20 年疫情病理病因诊断错误的论文》和《五串排毒法的实施办法 = 破解大型魔术剧再次演出的诀窍》同时向全世界的媒体公开)。全世界人媒体公开报道这一新闻后,世界各国的疫情就一定会在三天内被扑灭,而且全人类从此就不会再爆发同类疫情!

10.8. The inventor of the “Five-String Detoxification Method" will completely obey the

arrangement of the "spokesperson" and implement public transfer to the whole world all at once (i.e. "Papers on the Misdiagnosis of the Etiology and Pathology of the Epidemic for 20 years" and “the Implementation of Five-String Detoxification Method = Cracking the Secret of the Great Magic Show” will be made available publicly to media around the world”). After the news is publicly reported by media all over the world, the epidemic in all countries in the world will be extinguished within three days, and there will be no more outbreaks of the same kind of epidemic among all mankind!

11.0. 外文翻译若与中文有异议,以中文为准。

11.0. If there is any discrepancy between the foreign language

Translation and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.11.1. “五串排毒法”重大科研成果发明人林章建(签章):


11.1. LAM,CHEONG KIN, the inventor of the major scientific research achievement of “Five- String Detoxification Method" (signature and seal):


中文电子邮箱 :764356507@qq.com

11.2. Chinese contact number: +86 18923376268

Chinese Email Address: 764356507@qq.com12.0.支持专有技术公开转让企业(签章):

12.0.Support Enterprises for the open transfer of know-how (signature) :


2023 年 1 月8 日

8 Jan2023


13.0.The COVID-19 pandemic was based on theoretical research by leading doctors who“Mistook the common cold for the flu”


13.1.Today, the chief physician of the Department of Neurology of the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University suggested that I should be hospitalized immediately. The reason is that I used my brain too much, which has caused severe brain atrophy. There is a suspicion of "cerebral hemorrhage" (stroke). The human body has been standing askew, and the memory function has seriously declined. I judged that I could not continue to carry out more research, and my major discoveries and inventions should be summarized here. Therefore, the basic theories and practical methods to avoid the recurrence of the COVID-19 epidemic among all human beings should be revealed as follows:


13.1.1.. 备注:

13.1.1. Note:

13.1.2.上图中黑色粗框架代表林氏发明的“6床棉被试验柜”,是一种两层的研究试验柜,其上下左右是互相通气的,没有封闭式的隔离;实验柜共存放6床棉被 ,其中有3床“A”是“长期使用且从来没有被清洗和太阳晒的棉被”,另3床“B”是“长期使用但已清洗晒干后存储的棉被”;6床棉被上下左右都靠得很近但都不互相接触;实验柜的前后没有门,与大气相通。

13.1.2. The thick black frame in the picture above represents the“6 bed quilt test cabinet” invented by Lin, which is a two-layer research test cabinet There are 6 quilts stored in the cabinet, of which 3 beds“A” are“Quilts that have been used for a long time and have never been washed or exposed to the sun”, the other 3 bed“B” are“Long-term use but has been washed and dried after the storage of quilts”; 6 quilts up and down around are close but do not touch each other; the front and back of the laboratory cabinet without a door, and the atmosphere.


13.1.3. Based on the anatomy of the respiratory tract, each adult's respiratory tract mucosa after spreading the flat plane of about 80-120 square meters, so six quilts is like six adults of the respiratory tract mucosa, a large number of pathogens can lurk for a long time.

13.1.4.呼吸道黏膜发霉 = 大量的病原体潜伏在呼吸道黏膜上快速发霉 = 白肺 = 大量的发霉物质覆盖在呼吸道黏膜的外表上阻断了人体的呼吸通道 = 插氧气管与口服任何口服药和注射任何针剂都无效。白肺病人在临死前大多会呼叫“医生快救我!” 。众多医生听到求救声也束手无策,只能眼睁睁地看着白肺病人窒息死亡。

13.1.4. Respiratory tract mucosa moldy = a large number of pathogens latent in the respiratory tract mucosa rapidly moldy = white lung = a large number of moldy material covering the surface of the respiratory tract mucosa blocked the respiratory passage of the human body = oxygen tube and oral administration of any drug and injection of any injection are ineffective. Most people with white lung disease call "Doctor, Please Help Me!" Before they die. Many doctors heard the cry for help also helpless, can only see the white lung patient suffocated death.


14.0. Phenomena found in the experiment:


14.1.In the non-mildew season, the six quilts are not moldy.

14.2.在霉雨季节, 3床长期使用且从来没有被清洗和太阳晒的“A”棉被都发霉了。但是,3床长期使用但已清洗晒干后存储的“B”棉被都不会发霉。此试验证明:不会发霉的“B”棉被,不怕已经发霉的“A”棉被的霉菌感染,是因为:不会发霉的“B”棉被,还没有具备“物体表面发霉的两要素”:物质的表面粘附有会发霉的物质(要素1)与可以让粘附物质发霉的温度和湿度(要素2);

14.2. In the rainy season, 3 beds long-term use and never been washed and sun-dried“A” quilt are moldy. However, 3 beds long-term use but has been washed and dried after storage of“B” quilt will not mold. This test proves that the non-moldy“B” quilt is not afraid of the moldy“A” quilt being infected by mold, because: the non-moldy“B” quilt, there are no"Two elements of moldy surface": the surface of the material adhere to the moldy material (element 1) and can let the adhesion of the material moldy temperature and humidity (element 2) ;


15.0.The conclusion of the experiment and the method to quickly and completely extinguish the respiratory epidemic:


15.1. The human body, causes of colds:


15.1.1.Because human beings are the“King of all things”, its immunity is also the“King of all things”. Therefore, foreign pathogens that invade the respiratory tract and enter the blood directly, because of their small number, it is inevitable that the immune system in the blood will quickly devour it without the appearance of a cold (this is the most basic condition that nature has chosen for human existence on earth, otherwise it would not have been possible for humans to live on Earth) .


15.1.2. The pathogen (element 1) that lurks on the surface of the respiratory tract and has not yet entered the blood will quickly breed a large number of pathogens after combining with the appropriate temperature and humidity (element 2), which will make the surface of the respiratory tract mucous membrane moldy and cause white lung (i.e. moldy substance) to appear. When it is covered on the surface of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the following two situations will inevitably occur: the pathogen in the white lung or a large number of invading human blood, It makes the immunity of the human body difficult to resist and causes the common cold (human beings have invented a large number of drug prescriptions to cure the common cold); The pathogen in the white lung or a large number of air holes blocking the respiratory tract mucosa (if any injection, oral medicine, vaccine, or oxygen intubation is used in this way, it will be invalid, because the mildewed pathogen still attaches to the surface of the respiratory tract mucosa and has not entered the blood circulation of the human body, and any injection, oral medicine, and vaccine must rely on the blood circulation of the human body to achieve the goal of disease treatment).


15.2. If there is no latent pathogen (element 1) on the respiratory mucosa of a healthy person, or if the pathogen does not meet the appropriate temperature and humidity (element 2), the healthy person will not be infected in close contact with a cold patient. That is to say, the common cold will not be passed from person to person. According to this research conclusion, is it appropriate to force the whole people to wear masks in public places, isolate the patients with positive nucleic acid test and take regional closure decisions during the period of common cold? Is there more advantages and disadvantages or more advantages and disadvantages? Because this answer is related to the well-being of all mankind and the prosperity of the whole society, we hope that the authoritative doctors and the World Health Organization responsible for fighting the epidemic in all countries around the world can make more in-depth and accurate research and experiments after referring to the conclusions of this study, and finally make necessary corrections to the previous wrong decisions.


15.3. In order to quickly eliminate the epidemic situation in the world, first of all, use "drug gas therapy" to eliminate the pathogens lurking on the respiratory mucosa; Then use the "smear and slap method" to eliminate "pulmonary spasm" (this method can achieve immediate effect and cure the disease); Commonly used "mouthwash" to rinse mouth and nasal cavity; No one is allowed to exaggerate the power of the virus to prevent the immune system of healthy people from fear and panic and sudden onset of diseases. "Five string detoxification method" can quickly and completely eradicate the COVID-19 epidemic in the world.


15.4. From the research of disease psychology, under normal circumstances, everyone's systemic immunity and pathogens have multiple battlefields to fight each other, and the immunity of each battlefield is slightly dominant, which makes the human body grow healthily. However, once the central nervous system of a healthy person fears and panics about the infectivity of the cold virus, and fears that he may be infected by a very severe influenza virus, his whole body will tremble (his immunity will drop sharply), and many battlefields where his immunity and pathogens fight each other will "reverse the situation of victory and defeat", and many diseases will be entangled at the same time, and attack the human nerve center at the same time, Therefore, healthy people suffer from "sudden onset of diseases". But in fact, anyone who has caught a cold has no ability to change the two basic elements of a healthy person's catching a cold (element 1 and element 2 described in 3.2.). Instead, the fear and panic in the mind of a healthy person quickly reduces his immunity in various battlefields, and thus causes "sudden onset of diseases".


15.5. To sum up, "misjudgment of the pathogenic factors of colds" and "exaggerated publicity of the infectivity of viruses" will make every human body's immunity fear and panic against pathogens, greatly reduce the combat ability of human body's immunity against pathogens, enable pathogens to defeat human body's immunity in various battlefields, make multiple diseases entangle at the same time, and make many healthy people suffer from sudden diseases, It will aggravate the spread of respiratory diseases in countries around the world and cannot be dealt with. Therefore, it should be strictly eliminated in the laws and systems of countries around the world to fight the epidemic, and no one is allowed to use any excuse to exaggerate the infectivity of the cold virus in various media. Otherwise, it will be regarded as "deliberately creating an epidemic for all mankind" and will be severely punished.


15.6. This paper is the final draft, and the papers and references sent before are the detailed report of the research process of this project.

16.0.                      跋

16.0.                  Postscript



16,1.The above letter mailed to General Secretary Xi Jinping of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and other six members of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee: it has been elaborated that the "five-string detoxification method” can "comprehensively, thoroughly and permanently extinguish the epidemics in all countries in the world within three days and ensure that similar epidemics will not come back to wreak havoc on mankind" after its implementation. Sincerely invite Comrade Xi Jinping and other six members of the Standing Committee to take 10 minutes to listen to the inventor's brief report on the classic summary of 32 years of anti-epidemic practice in person before deciding whether to personally convene and preside over the "Authoritative Expert Review and Assessment”. Then the seven members of the Standing Committee decide whether they are willing to be honored as the "spokesperson for the public transfer of major scientific research achievements after the review and appraisal report of the convened authoritative experts comes out”.

16.2.附上:旧名词新定义四则和七言律诗两首,可彻底揭示爆发新冠疫情的秘密并保证世界各国的疫情不会再重返人间。看懂本论文后 + 10分钟与发明人的当面问答后,COVID-19疫情爆发的原因和快速根治的办法和三天内可以消灭世界各国COVID-19疫情的道理,就可以一通百通了。

16.2.Attachment: Four new definitions of old terms and two seven character poems can thoroughly reveal the secret of the outbreak of COVID-19 and ensure that the epidemic situation of countries around the world will not return to the world. After reading this paper+10 minutes of face-to-face Q&A with the inventor, the cause of the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, the quick and radical cure and the reason why COVID-19 epidemic can be eliminated in three days in all countries around the world can be understood.

16.2.1.普感 = 普遍性感冒=潜伏在人体呼吸道黏膜上的病原体+适当的湿度和温度=呼吸道普遍感染;

16.2.2.流感 = 曾有人怀疑新冠病毒感染会“人传人”,但至今还没有找到确切的理论基础和实践证据;

16.2.2. Influenza=It was once suspected that COVID-19 infection would "spread from person to person", but the exact theoretical basis and practical evidence have not yet been found;

16.2.3.新冠疫情 = 普遍感冒 + 人民内心的畏惧 + 恐慌;

16.2.3. The covid-19 pandemic = common cold + people's inner fear + panic;

16,2.4.肺痉挛 = 肺部闷烦、咳嗽、呼吸道黏膜抽筋还伴随有心肌炎等并发症。

16.2.4. Pulmonary spasm = pulmonary dysphoria, cough, respiratory tract mucosa cramp accompanied by myocarditis and other complications.


17.0.七言律诗   疫情揭秘(抗击类似COVID-19的疫情32年的最新发现)

17.0. lüshi with lines of seven characters

Uncover the epidemic (the latest discovery in 32 years of fighting an epidemic similar to COVID-19)


Pathological etiology was misdiagnosed, Mistaking common cold for flu,

The power of the virus is exaggerated, It is suspected that someone spread the virus.


Misjudged oneself to be infected, Sudden fear in the brain,

Nerve center spasm, All kinds of diseases happen because of panic!


18.0.七言律诗   疫情消灭(抗击类似新冠的疫情32年成功经验的总结)

15.0.lüshi with lines of seven characters

Elimination of epidemic situation (summary of 32 years' successful experience in combating epidemic situation similar to COVID-19)


It's normal to have a cold, Main Symptom is lung spasm,

Five-string detoxification method is an exclusive method, It is very simple to cure the disease.


For the country and the people for the health, Proprietary technology needs to be transferred, The benefit of mankind depends on the party, The epidemic will never return!

有多项重大发现和32年成功经验总结并愿意公开转让其专有技术给全人类 林章建 签章

Has many important discoveries and 32 years of successful experience summary and is willing to openly transfer its know-how to all mankind, (LAM, CHEONG KIN signature)


有多项重大发现和发明愿意转让给世界各国的人    林章建 (签章)



 19.0.This paper is dedicated to the world's top leaders, the

authoritative doctors responsible for fighting the epidemic

and the people of all countries in the world.

There are many major discoveries and inventions that are willing to be transferred to people around the world, LAM,CHEONG KIN (signature and seal)

8 Jan 2023

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